I am privileged to serve as chair of the board of directors of the Chicago Committee on Minorities in Large Law Firms (the “Chicago Committee”). Founded in 1987, the Chicago Committee seeks racial and ethnic diversity in the legal profession by collaborating with its member law firms and corporate partners.

As lawyers and leaders in the legal profession, it is incumbent upon us to recognize the outsized weight that our voices carry and to use that power responsibly and for the betterment of our communities.

As leaders, sometimes we can best use our voices by not using them. We can instead listen to the needs, concerns and ideas of others. By seeking to understand different perspectives, we can foster an environment of inclusivity and trust where others feel free to express their views. By doing so, we benefit from the unique strengths and contributions that each individual brings to the table. After all, the mark of a good leader is someone who empowers those around them. By providing guidance, support and opportunity, a leader nurtures the growth and development of future leaders.

The Chicago Committee provides young members of our profession with the opportunity to serve the legal community and advocate for greater diversity and inclusion in the profession — a noble cause to champion in the face of significant headwinds. Through their service, these young lawyers grow and develop their unique voices as leaders in our profession.

To any member of the legal community who is looking to develop their voice as a leader, I urge you to serve. Serve your community, serve your colleagues, serve those in need. Your efforts will make a world of difference and you will grow as a leader.